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The Benefits of Participating in a Rosen Method Workshop

Rosen Method Bodywork and Movement Workshops are an opportunity to both learn more about the method (why/how it works) and to experience being in process with the work over an extended period of time. This allows for a deeper level of personal growth work. Rosen Method Workshops are facilitated by a Rosen Method Workshop teacher who is trained not only as a practitioner but also as a teacher of the work and who has the capacity to hold a safe space for all participants.

All workshops, be they one day, three days or five days all contain similar elements including informative talks, demonstrations, guided hands on experiencing of bodywork (giving and receiving), movement classes, sharing circle and discussion of process. These elements are brought together in an intuitive way by the teachers in response to the needs of the particular students present at the time.

Participants have the opportunity to deepen their awareness of themselves within their bodies and integrate long-held unconscious patterns. Participants are asked to share from and stay with their own experience within themselves and to respect the rules of confidentiality and no cross talk. Teachers work with each participant individually as needed within the group setting. All participants are asked and expected to hold the space respectively.

The results are often an increased body awareness and awareness of how emotions are held within the body, better discernment between past experience and present experience, an increased sense of spaciousness within themselves, freer movement and a greater sense of presence and relaxation.

In my fist Rosen Method Workshop I was both intrigued and flabbergasted by my experience. I was surprised by how my whole way of being in the world was oriented toward others, the need to help them, serve them, do for them and how I really didn’t know how to just be with them and be present within myself at the same time.  After that I was hooked and loved the modality so much I became a practitioner, movement teacher intern and workshop teacher. I am grateful to be able to teach here in Edmonton this February 9th and 10th at Healing Connections. Hope to see you there!! For more information or to register please go to

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